Monday, December 12, 2011


Hi all,

I am going back to Sri Lanka at end of March, visiting Colombo, Hambantota, Pinnewalla or Pinnawalla (sp?)

Anyway, on the past 4 trips I have been religiously taking the dreaded Malaria tabs, I was there working following the Tsunami - so perhaps higher risk of bugs, bites and stuff!

But should I take them this trip? I am aware you will be unable togive out medical advice ! but just a general opinion would be helpful

Oh and btw .. the Mozzies adore and love me to bits!




The places your are visiting are low to no risk areas. So really not need to take tabs.

Check with your GP and/or:



Thanks again Hans

I think I will give it a miss this time.. and cover up as usual.

Hi Tazness

The mozzies love me too ... I end up bitten and swollen up all over. Coastal areas in Sri Lanka seem to be the worst for insect bits, but thankfully these are not areas where there is a malaria risk. (Bear in mind that there are other mosquito borne diseases like dengue fever though ... no tablets can prevent that.)

On my last trip to Sri Lanka, I relied on the Autan spray with Deet and was bitten badly. On previous visits, I used the Boots lotion with Deet, which is very sticky. It is less pleasant to have on you because of this, but is far more effective against biting insects. If one dares to land on you, they meet a sticky death.

Unpleasant or not, it is back to the lotion for me next time. If you are in hotels with air-conditioning, it is less likely that you will have a problem with mosquitoes. The rooms are also sealed. If you are in small guesthouses (as we were) it is more of a problem. The mozzies fly in easily (there are often ventilation holes in the walls) and a fan is no deterrent to them, compared to the icy blast of airconditioning. Mosquito nets often have small holes in them too.

Even if you cover up well with lotion and do everything in your power to avoid being bitten, the chances are you will still get the odd bite. One night, I even had 5 bites on my face ... the one place where I had no repellent on. From my last bitter experience, I would now advise anyone visiting AT-RISK areas like the cultural triangle to play safe and take tablets and not rely solely on sprays or lotions.


Thanks Sue,

Those flippin little beasties are a night mare. They jump over people to get to me !

I use one of the boots roll on repelants last time, although they stank they did seem to work, but htey sting a bit on the face.

Then there is the decison... do you put sun tan lotion on first or the repellant ?

Perhaps since I have decided not to do the tablets and we are staying in a few hotels that are more on the basic side, I should take a net ...

Thanks .. now pondering more stuff

  • stella mccartney
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