I have never been to the tropics before and have been reading on the forums, and web sites to find out whats the best insect repellent for us to take. To be honist I%26#39;m confused (doesn%26#39;t take much ) I have Found that most people recommend DEET 50% then i read that Bayer who make Autan have Brought out a new product Bayrepel庐 . I find bands , things you wear around you neck, the I discover 100% DEET .
So the question is
WHATS THE BEST ????????????????
The Mosquito .
Go To Boots Chemest and get the lotion pump deet its aroun 拢5 spray it on you around 17.00 hrs whe sun is on the way down. Also get a mosquito plug in for your room as that is a place you tend to get bitten if you dont take one. Well worth the money. Deet is not good for you over long periods of time either, OK for your Hols.
The Mosquito .
Just thought i%26#39;d throw my Tuppence worth in.
Having lived all over the World and consider my self well Travelled the Mozzy is a real pain or can be.
Most Bites will not occur in your room as the Air Con provides a Temp not suited to them.
Most Bites happen between Sundown and Sunrise and outside when Dinning, Walking around or sitting outside for a Beer or on your Balcony.
Best treatment in my opinion that works is where long trousers with a tight fitting leg ( stops the Blighters%26#39; flying up ) long sleeve tops and cut down on Aftershave Perfume etc.
If however you still want to or have to go out One can buy clothes impregnated with Deet ( these work really well ) or layer on the most ie higher percentage you can.
Nothing it seems is 100 percent surefire,to stop you getting bit, and reside yourself to the fact others%26#39; do get bitten more than you may or may not.
Incerdently Marmite is proven to repell them and uping your intake prior to arrival ( approx 2 wks%26#39; ) may help,unless you hate it LOL
Best wishes
Marmite ?
That%26#39;s interesting.
Where has this been proven ?
All the googling I have done suggest this is an old wives tale.
Great ! if you%26#39;ve got the proof show us. That%26#39;ll be one in the eye for all those doubters.
Anything on the vitamin B debate ?
Keep those mozzies away
We love to visit Cyprus and have many Greek friends but the one thing that often spoils it is the amount of mosquito bites we get.On the last visit someone suggested that a couple of slice of Marmite on toast each morning would keep the mosquitoes at bay.It sounded like rubbish but as we both love Marmite we gave it a try , guess what it works - the only time Dave got bitten was when he forgot to have Marmite for breakfast (Eggs bacon and fried tomatoes was too tempting)So if you get bitten by the mozzies give it a try, it does help if you like Marmite but if you do not, put the mosquito nets up!
Marmite contains lots of Vitamin B12 which is the substance that repels mozzies. You can take supplements which I did (need to start a couple of weeks before you get to the mozzie-ridden country where you%26#39;re going) and continue taking the supplements until you have left. The thing is, B12 makes your skin smell a little bit strange - that%26#39;s why I stopped and prefered to get bitten! So it%26#39;s probably best to eat marmite (which doesn%26#39;t make your skin smell unless you smear it on your skin). I don%26#39;t like marmite, hence took supplements instead.
forgot to add in my post to the original poster that whilst I was in Kenya a doctor told me to take vitamin B Complex, apparently the mosquitos don`t like the smell or taste on one`s skin, which stops them from biting! Marmite contains Vitamin B.
Failing all of the above which may or may not be an Old Wives%26#39; Tale Try covering yourself with it over every inch of your skin, the buggers will not get a nip in then LOL
Thanks, it%26#39;s just that all the medical sites I%26#39;ve looked at say there%26#39;s no medical proof that taking marmite or vitamin B will protect you from mossies.
I don%26#39;t have a problem eating marmite but all the same I%26#39;d like to see some kind of medical confirmation that this will work.
I don%26#39;t suppose your Kenyan doctor has a website ?
Or anywhere on the web that can confirm your proven remedy ?
Hi there....
Old Wive%26#39;s Tales may also include Gin or Vodka and Tonic too, well the tonic water anyway as it does contain small doses of Mozzy repellent too, Quinine, but really people should rely on proven and tested methods !
AUTAN does it for me, always use it in Sri Lanka and do not get bitten.
I looked up Tonic water too. There%26#39;s less than 20mg in a 6 ounce can. The dosage is 350mg three times a day this should work out to about 6 litres of tonic a day and I suppose about 3 litres of gin.
Sounds like fun............
Hi Dave
Which Autan do you use I see there is one with DEET and the new bayrepel ????
Marmite I have asked my mate who is a Dr he is doubtful ,
He likes Daves better says does%26#39;nt matter if it works or not tasts better than marmite
PS; I have got my hands on some miletery issue repelent made by 3M says 12 hours protection on the tube only draw back IT STINKS ,
lifesaver999, We have seen mosquitos in our rooms in both hotels, And yes we did have A/C in both hotels. So what you said about the tempreture in the rooms does not go. The room boys leave the rooms open while cleaning and they enter. We found several behind the wardrobe and bathroom were there is no A/C. I would recomend plug-ins for your room even though the room boys put a tab type in your room that is not so effective. See for your selfs.
Hi Paul...
I use AUTAN ACTIVE, it contains Icaradin and does the job for me along with copious ammounts of the ';liquid stuff';, maybe check out thier website:
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